dinsdag 25 januari 2011

My Collection

This is my current collection. 

Several DMG's here, and a pocket, have got a backlight and are prosound modded (RCA and/or 1/8"). The Game Boy Color has got a front-light taken from a broken SP. And the DSi has got the EyeCandy Clear Case. 
I have two usb flash cartridges for the game boy, a Bleepbloop and an EMS 64M. 

The C64 is in its original state but will get a second SID-chip soon (SID2SID). I'll be using it with the MSSIAH cartridge, the second SID-chip allows me to use six channels instead of three. 

The R4 cartridge contains Nitrotracker for the DSi, it's fun to use but I prefer using my DSi just for games and LSDJ to track, though.

My NES is in original state. I don't have any plans bending it or using it for Chiptunes. Maybe if I can find a cheaper alternative for a Powerpack ill start working on it but it's too expensive to work with my NES right now. My priority is completing the C64 SID2SID project first.  

My current Setup demo (Two Gameboys plugged in to my mixer) It's just a simple loop